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The School Day


Children are supervised in the yard from 8.40 am onwards.  Children who arrive before this time are not directly supervised. All parents who transport their children to school are as asked to be punctual as this greatly helps us to have a smooth beginning to the day.  This means being on the school premises before 8.50am.

Morning Session:                    8.50 am - 12 noon  

Afternoon Session:                 1.00 pm - 3.15 pm

Morning Break:                       10.30 pm - 10.45 am

Afternoon Break:                    2.15pm - 2.30 pm

School ends at:                       3.15 pm

Wrap Around Care

St. Mary's is able to cater for children between 8.10am and 5pm.

Breakfast Club

A free Breakfast Club run by the Local Authority is available to all pupils from 8.10am, pupils must be in the club by 8.25am, failure to do so will mean that you may have to wait with your child until staff members are on duty from 8.40am.

You have to register your child for them to attend, a form can be obtained from the school office or downloaded below. Booking sessions in advance isn't necessary.

The Breakfast Club serves cereal, toast, fruit wedges and a choice of milk or fruit juice.

Please complete the form and hand this in to a member of staff in the Breakfast Club on the first morning that your child will attend. The entrance to the Breakfast Club is through the double doors to the hall at the front of the school. 

Sunbeam Club

The after school Sunbeam Club runs as a separate entity to the school between 3.15pm and 5.00pm. A daily rate of £7.50 applies and any siblings are an additional £5 per session. A drink and snack is provided for your child. 

Please text: 07840378886 to contact the club for booking sessions and any queries that you may have. 

School Lunch 

For £2.50 per day (Year 6 pupils), pupils receive a main meal, dessert and a cold drink.

Pupils can choose from two hot meal options as well as choices of salad. Nursery and Reception pupils have only one option, which is indicated on the primary school menu by an asterisk.

The menus are on a three week rotation. This ensures variety with a focus on fresh fruit, vegetables and salads. Due to our commitment to healthy eating, our ingredients have reduced saturated fat, sugar and salt. All foods are baked or steamed, except chips which are only served once a week. Fresh fruit, wholemeal bread, yoghurt, cheese and biscuits, ice cream, semi-skimmed milk and water are also available daily.

Special menus for allergic/food intolerant children

A menu plan can be created specifically for your child. Medical/dietetic information will be needed, and the Local Authority's nutritionally trained management team will work with you to prepare a suitable menu. They will inform the school and catering team who will be told about the allergy/intolerance and receive the menu daily.

Cashless Catering

When your child joins our school they will be issued with a Cashless Catering account number for you to use to pay into your child's dinner account using the 'Cashless Catering' system, as noted below. 

‘Cashless catering’ is the way in which parents and carers can pay for school meals. It means pupils don’t have to take cash into school. Instead, it’s possible to pay through the council website either via the ‘Pay It’ section, or by clicking the link below:

Click here to pay for school meals through the Local Authority website.

Instructions on how to pay using the cashless system are attached below. 

Below is a copy of the main school lunch menu and schedule as planned by the Local Authority.